Before the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian
Federation, that is, until February 24, 2022, the guys from our team were ordinary
residents of our cozy, beautiful, native city of Kharkiv. Everyone has their own goals,
plans for life and everyday life.
Everyone did their own thing, someone managed a
company, someone was an engineer, an IT specialist, and most of the guys rented electric
cars and worked in taxis.
On February 24, 2022, life presented a task with
superpowers for ordinary people.
We created a strong team of dedicated people who,
from the first days of the war, began to help the city of Kharkiv, feeling its pulse
every minute.
Every day, we deliver canned goods, bread, cookies, medicine and other basic necessities to people all over Kharkiv and nearby suburban areas.
Kilometers covered for good deeds:
Evacuated people:
Delivered humanitarian aid:
Made personal deliveries:
Made trips for humanitarian purposes (doctors, social workers and volunteers to the places of analysis of the consequences after the shelling of the city):
And these results under constant shelling and threat to life!
Organization) is a voluntary association of individuals created for the exercise and protection
of human and civil rights and freedoms, satisfaction of public, in particular, economic, social,
cultural, educational and other interests of its members and/or other persons.
1.2. Name of
the Organization:
1.3. Name of the Organization in a
foreign language:
Full name in English: "International organization The Pulse of
Short name: "IO The Pulse of Kharkiv".
1.4. The Organization in its activities
is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Tax Code of Ukraine,
the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", the Law of Ukraine "On State Registration of Legal
Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Formations", other current legislation of Ukraine
and this Statute. The legal basis for the activities of the Organization are also regulatory
documents and general decisions adopted by the Organization within their statutory powers and
are binding on all members.
1.5. The Organization is a non-entrepreneurial society, the main
purpose of which is not to make a profit. The Organization is free to choose the directions of
its activities and operates on the principles of voluntariness, self-government, free choice of
the territory of activity, equality before the law, absence of property interests of its members
(participants), transparency, openness and publicity.
2.1. The Organization's activities are of a public nature, which is
manifested in its interaction with public authorities, local governments, enterprises,
institutions, organizations of various forms of ownership, establishing partnerships with other
public organizations, movements, foundations registered in Ukraine or abroad, citizens of
Ukraine, foreigners and / or stateless persons.
2.2. The Organization acquires the status of
a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in accordance with the current
legislation, has its own seal, stamps and letterheads with its name and accounts in banking
institutions. The Organization may have its own symbols (emblem, other distinctive sign, flag),
which is subject to registration in accordance with the procedure established by law.
From the moment of state registration the Organization has the exclusive right to use its name,
including the name in a foreign language.
2.4. To achieve its purpose and fulfill its
statutory tasks, the Organization has the right, in accordance with the procedure established by
the current legislation
to develop and implement its own targeted and comprehensive programs,
to participate in the implementation of other governmental and non-governmental programs and
projects, both independently and in partnership with other organizations, in order to facilitate
the implementation of the tasks defined by this Statute
to provide support in activities
aimed at achieving the goals of the Organization;
exchange experience with other
organizations, develop international relations within the framework of the main purpose of the
Public organization; represent and protect the interests of persons applying for such
protection, provided that the Organization has such opportunities to provide protection to these
persons; to organize and participate in international, national, local and other conferences,
symposiums, seminars, trainings, performances, other scientific, social and socio-political
events on issues related to the objectives of the Organization, to carry out direct
international contacts and assist in their establishment; to support organizationally and
financially other public associations, to assist in their creation; to provide grants and
subgrants to other public organizations and associations, if their projects ensure the
implementation of the goals and objectives of the Organization; freely disseminate information
about its activities, promote its goals and objectives, promote the activities of the
Organization through the media, including by organizing and conducting specialized television
and radio programs, creating and distributing cinema, video, audio and printing products; to be
a party to civil law relations, to conclude any transactions of a civil law nature, to acquire
property and non-property rights in accordance with the law;
to carry out, in accordance with
the law and in order to facilitate the achievement of its statutory goals and objectives, the
necessary economic non-commercial (non-profit) activities, including by establishing legal
entities (companies, enterprises) in the manner prescribed by law; to receive on the terms of
lease or temporary free use of real estate (premises, buildings), equipment, vehicles and other
property necessary for the implementation of the statutory goals and objectives of the
Organization; to conclude agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance with other
organizations on a voluntary basis, as well as to form public unions and acquire membership in
public unions, associations and other associations, including foreign partners; organize
training of citizens, including abroad. Participate in international mobility and exchange
programs for young people, including students;
to establish or join international,
all-Ukrainian public (non-governmental) associations, to maintain direct international contacts
and relations, to conclude relevant agreements, as well as to participate in the implementation
of measures that do not contradict Ukraine's international obligations and this Statute; to open
accounts in national and foreign currencies in banking institutions; hire employees on the basis
of labor or civil law agreements; enjoy other rights provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
3.1. The main purpose of the Organization is public activity, volunteering,
assistance to people affected by military conflicts or in need of any assistance. Development,
implementation and assistance in the implementation of volunteer and charitable activities in
the city of Kharkiv and throughout Ukraine.
3.2. The directions of the Organization's
activity are
meeting the humanitarian needs of all persons affected by the war and/or
military conflict in Ukraine and/or other countries, as well as meeting any needs of the
population within the framework of the Organization's purpose
promoting the establishment and
development of small and medium-sized enterprises; promoting the popularization and development
of social entrepreneurship; promoting the development of volunteer movement and full and
comprehensive support of volunteers in their activities; implementation, promotion of
organization and development of projects aimed at meeting the needs of persons in need; to
cooperate with Ukrainian and international organizations, to receive grants and any other
assistance for the realization of the purpose of the Public Organization and to unite voluntary
efforts, property and financial contributions, donations, other resources and opportunities for
the realization of the defined purpose of the Organization; to cooperate with state institutions
of different levels and civil society to create and implement national, regional, local and
international programs and plans aimed at the development of social policy, public interests of
Ukrainian citizens; support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and any other military
representatives during military conflicts and/or wars; implementation of programs and projects
aimed at restoring and building peace, promoting social cohesion of the communities of Kharkiv
and Ukraine; implementation and comprehensive support of national-patriotic education programs;
maintenance and distribution of humanitarian aid and charitable contributions to citizens of
Ukraine and stateless persons according to their needs; organization of training and educational
activities to support and develop the above activities and social institutions and groups;
carrying out other activities that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine and contribute
to the development of society and economy of Ukraine. The purpose of the Organization may not be
the receipt and distribution of profits among the founders, members of the governing bodies,
other related persons, as well as among the employees of the Organization.
4.1 Membership in the Organization is voluntary and individual.
Members of the Organization may be citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons legally
residing in Ukraine, who have reached the age of 14 and who recognize the Statute of the
Organization and promote activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the
Organization. The founders of the Organization are its members from the moment of state
registration of the Organization.
4.3. No one can be forced to join the Organization.
Belonging or non-belonging to the Organization may not be grounds for restricting the rights and
freedoms of any person or for granting him/her any benefits and advantages by public
authorities, other state bodies, local self-government bodies.
4.4. Admission to membership
in the Organization is carried out on the basis of a written application addressed to the Head
of the Organization, which is accepted within a month from the date of submission of the
relevant application. The Head of the Organization has the right to refuse to admit a person to
the membership of the Organization. The Head of the Organization has the right to delegate the
right to admit to membership to separate divisions of the Organization or other statutory
4.5. All members of the Organization are equal in the exercise of their rights and
4.5.1. The rights of a member of the Organization include: to elect
and be elected to the governing bodies of the Organization, to participate in all events held by
the Organization; participate in the work of permanent and temporary commissions
established by the decision of the authorized bodies of the Organization; to address
the bodies of the Organization with inquiries and proposals on issues related to the activities
of the Organization, to receive responses; to appeal against decisions, actions,
inaction of the governing bodies of the Organization, to submit applications, objections and
complaints against decisions made by them to the Chairman and to demand consideration of
complaints and applications at the General Meeting. to appeal against the decision
of the General Meeting to the court. to receive information on the activities of the
Organization; to apply to the bodies of the Organization for assistance in
protecting their rights and legitimate interests; to freely defend and promote ideas
and proposals on issues discussed in the Organization before making decisions on these
issues; freely withdraw from the Organization upon his/her own written
4.5.2. Members of the Organization are obliged to: comply with the
provisions of the Statute of the Organization; execute decisions of the governing
bodies of the Organization; timely pay entrance and membership fees in the amounts
and terms established by the Chairman of the Organization; to promote the
implementation of the tasks of the Organization; participate in public events held
by the Organization.
4.6. Membership in the Organization is terminated in the following
4.6.1. withdrawal from the Organization of his own free will;
4.6.2. exclusion from
the Organization, by the decision of the Chairman of the Organization or the General Meeting, in
connection with violation of the requirements of this Statute, or if the member's activities
contradict the purpose and objectives of the Organization, or if the member has lost contact
with the Organization without good reason or for systematic non-payment of membership fees (if
4.6.3. death of a member of the Organization.
4.7. Withdrawal from the Organization
is carried out by a written application of the member of the Organization addressed to the
Chairman. Membership in a public association is terminated from the date of submission of such
an application and does not require additional decisions.
4.7.1. Grounds for exclusion from
the membership of the Organization:
- repeated violations of the requirements of the
- failure to participate in the activities of the Organization personally or through
a representative for at least 12 (twelve) months
- non-payment of membership fees during the
last year.
4.8. The issue of exclusion is decided by the General Meeting of the Organization
by a majority vote of its members.
4.9. A member of the Organization shall not have the right
to vote in the decision of the General Meeting of the Organization on issues related to the
conclusion of a transaction and a dispute between him and the Organization.
5.1. The Organization is managed on the principles of democracy,
transparency, election of governing bodies, subordination and executive discipline, taking into
account the regulatory documents of the Organization.
5.2. The governing bodies of the
Organization are: General Meeting of Members of the Organization, the Head of the Organization.
Meetings of the governing bodies of the Organization may be held both with the direct
participation of members (their authorized representatives by proxy) and via the Internet using
audiovisual computer programs of online conferences. The decision on the form of holding such a
meeting is made by the Head of the Organization and informs the members of the Organization
about the decision taken no later than 10 days before the date of such a meeting. Any meeting of
the governing bodies shall be recorded in the minutes. The form of the meeting must be indicated
in the minutes: if the meeting was held by means of Internet communication, the minutes must
record with the help of which computer program the meeting was held.
5.3. The General Meeting
of Members of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the General Meeting) is the supreme
body of the Organization, which has the right to make decisions on any issues of its activities,
including those within the competence of the Head of the Organization.
5.3.1. The General
Meeting is attended by its members in person or through an authorized representative by proxy.
Each member of the Organization has one vote. The meeting shall be considered competent if it is
attended by the majority of the members of the Organization.
5.3.2. The regular General
Meeting is convened by the Chairman annually. The relevant decision indicating the date, time,
place and issues to be discussed shall be communicated to the members of the Organization not
later than 30 days before the date of the General Meeting. The General Meeting considers the
issues submitted for its consideration by the Chairman of the Organization, as well as by the
members of the Organization.
5.3.3 Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the
Chairman in the presence of circumstances that affect the essential interests of the
Organization, as well as in other cases provided for by this Statute and the legislation of
Ukraine, within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the relevant circumstances. In this case,
the decision of the Chairman of the Organization, indicating the date, time, place and issues to
be discussed, shall be brought to the attention of the members of the Organization no later than
14 days before the date of the meeting of the General Meeting.
5.3.4. At least one tenth of
the members of the Organization have the right to initiate before the Chairman the convening of
an extraordinary General Meeting. If the request of the members of the Organization to convene
the General Meeting is not fulfilled, these members have the right to convene the General
Meeting themselves.
5.3.5. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting shall include the
following issues: Determination of the main activities of the Organization, approval
of its plans and reports on their implementation. Introduction and approval of
amendments to the constituent documents of the Organization, information about the
Organization. Approval of samples of seals, stamps, symbols and other samples of
details of the Organization. Making a decision on the termination of the
Organization's activities. Election of the liquidation commission, approval of the
liquidation balance sheet. Election and recall of the Chairman of the
Organization. Determining the procedure and methods for exercising property rights
and exercising control over its implementation.
5.3.6. Decisions of the General Meeting shall
be considered adopted if a majority of the participants present at the General Meeting voted for
them. On the issues provided for in clauses,, the decision of the General
Meeting shall be deemed adopted if at least three fourths of the present participants of the
General Meeting voted for it. Also, by three-fourths of the votes of the members of the
Organization, decisions on the alienation of the property of the Organization for the amount of
fifty percent or more of the property of the Organization are made.
5.3.7. The meetings of
the General Meeting are presided over by a person from among the members elected by the General
Meeting as the Chairman of the meeting. The course of the General Meeting is recorded. Minutes
of the General Meeting shall be kept by the Secretary of the General Meeting elected by the
General Meeting, signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the General Meeting.
5.3.8. The
General Meeting adopts resolutions that are drawn up in the form of minutes of the General
Meeting. Decisions made by the General Meeting in compliance with the requirements of this
Statute, internal documents and legislation of Ukraine are binding on all other governing bodies
of the Organization and members of the Organization. Decisions made by the General Meeting shall
come into force from the moment of their adoption, unless otherwise determined by the General
5.4. The Chairman of the Organization is the executive sole body of the Organization
for the period between the General Meetings, elected for a term of 5 (five) years and performs
the functions of managing its current, organizational activities.
5.4.1 The Chairman is
accountable to the General Meeting and organizes the implementation of its decisions. The
Chairman acts on behalf of the Organization within the limits provided by this Statute, internal
documents and current legislation.
5.4.2. The Chairman is the head of the
5.4.3. The competence of the Chairman includes: organization of the
implementation of decisions of the General Meeting. Convocation of the General
Meeting and formation of its agenda, preparation of materials on the agenda, preliminary
consideration of all issues within the competence of the meeting and preparation of draft
decisions on these issues for the meeting. Preparation and submission of
recommendations to the General Meeting on determining the main activities of the Organization,
approval of plans and reports on their implementation, other proposals on the activities of the
Organization. Approval of current plans of the Organization's activities and
measures necessary for their implementation; Execution of certain functions of
property management by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the
Organization. Prepare annual reports on the activities of the Organization,
including the attraction and use of funds and property of the Organization; reports on the
implementation of programs and projects of the Organization and submit them for approval by the
General Meeting. Resolving other issues, except those that fall within the exclusive
competence of the General Meeting. Act on behalf of the Organization without a power
of attorney and represent the Organization in its relations with other persons.
Issues orders, instructions, other internal regulations and documents of the
Organization. Organizes document flow, record keeping, accounting and reporting of
the Organization. Conclude and sign on behalf of the Organization economic and
other agreements, contracts, issue powers of attorney for the right to act and representation on
behalf of the Organization. reports on its work to the General Meeting of the
Organization at the next General Meeting.
5.4.4. The decision of the Head of the Organization
is made in the form of orders or instructions.
5.4.5. Reporting is carried out at the regular
General Meeting. Extraordinary reporting is carried out at the request of at least one third of
the members of the Organization.
5.4.6. The Head of the Organization may be removed from
office by the decision of the General Meeting on the initiative of the majority of the members
of the Organization before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, in the following
- at his own request on the basis of a written application submitted to the
- in case of repeated violation of the requirements of the Statute of the
- if his actions caused material or moral damage to the Organization.
6.1. The Supervisory Board is an advisory and controlling body of the
Organization and carries out an audit of its financial and economic activities in case of more
than twenty members of the Organization.
6.2. The Supervisory Board is accountable only to
the General Meeting of the Organization.
6.3. The personal composition of the Supervisory
Board is approved by the General Meeting. A member of the Supervisory Board cannot be
simultaneously the Chairman of the Organization.
6.4. The Supervisory Board is elected from
among the members of the Organization consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two members of
the Board for a term of five years. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is proposed for
approval by the General Meeting of the Organization by the members of the Supervisory
6.5. The powers of the Supervisory Board include:
making proposals on financial
activities and use of the Organization's assets;
drawing up conclusions on the financial
activities and use of the Organization's assets before the approval by the General Meeting of
annual budgets, balance sheets, financial and other reports of the governing bodies of the
conducting inspections of financial and economic activities of the
submitting reports of inspections and audits to the General Meeting for making
appropriate decisions;
Initiating the convening of an extraordinary General
approval of the annual plan of activities of the Supervisory Board.
6.6. The
Supervisory Board is headed by the Chairman, who:
manages the work of the Supervisory
convenes the Supervisory Board for regular and extraordinary meetings;
signs the
documentation prepared based on the results of the Supervisory Board's work.
6.7. The
Supervisory Board is competent if a majority of its members participate in its work. Decisions
are made by a majority vote of the Supervisory Board members present at the meeting. In case of
equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is decisive.
7.1. Decisions, actions, inaction of the governing bodies of the Organization
may be appealed by a member (members) of the Organization.
7.1.1. The initial complaint
against the actions, inaction or decision of the Head of the Organization is submitted to the
General Meeting, which is obliged to consider the complaint at the next meeting, with the
obligatory summoning of the complaining member of the public association, as well as the Head of
the Organization whose actions, inaction or decision is appealed.
7.1.2. The complaint
against the actions, inaction or decisions of the General Meeting of the Organization is filed
to the court in accordance with the current legislation at the time of appealing such actions,
inaction or decisions.
7.2. Decisions, actions (inaction) that can be appealed include
decisions within the management activities of the governing bodies of the organization, as a
result of which
7.2.1. The rights and/or legitimate interests or freedoms of a member of the
Organization (group of members of the Organization) are violated.
7.2.2. Obstacles to the
exercise of the rights and/or legitimate interests or freedoms of a member of the Organization
have been created.
7.2.3. Illegally imposed obligations on a member of the Organization or
illegally applied disciplinary responsibility to him/her.
8.1. The Organization, in accordance with its statutory tasks, has the right
to carry out international relations and activities in the manner prescribed by this Statute,
the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.2. International activity of the Organization is
carried out through participation in international projects, work of international
organizations, as well as other forms that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine, norms
and principles of international law.
8.3. When carrying out international activities, the
Organization enjoys the full range of rights and obligations of a legal entity.
9.1. The Organization may have separate subdivisions that are not legal
entities and are formed by the decision of the General Meeting of the Organization.
Separate subdivisions of the Organization in their activities are guided by the Statute of the
9.3. Heads of separate subdivisions of the Organization are appointed by the
General Meeting for a term of 2 years and act on the basis of a power of attorney. Heads of
separate subdivisions must be members of the Organization.
9.4. Separate subdivisions have
the following powers:
9.4.1. represent the Organization within the territory to which their
powers extend.
9.4.2. Implement the statutory goals and objectives of the Organization within
the territory to which their powers extend, in accordance with the powers granted by the
decision of the general meeting.
9.4.3. Carry out work to attract new members (participants)
using means not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.
9.5. The head of a separate
subdivision has the right to
9.5.1. Make decisions on the use of the name and symbols of the
Organization for the implementation of the tasks of the Organization.
9.5.2. To apply to the
governing bodies of the Organization for assistance in the implementation of the tasks of the
9.5.3. To attend the meeting of the General Meeting of the
9.5.4. To apply with petitions to the governing bodies of the
9.6. The head of a separate subdivision is obliged to
9.6.1. Comply with the
requirements of the Statute of the Organization.
9.6.2. Execute legal and adopted within the
requirements of the Statute of the Organization decisions of the governing bodies of the
9.6.3. Prevent actions aimed at violating the honor and dignity of members
(participants) of the Organization.
9.7. The activity of a separate subdivision may be
terminated by its closure by the decision of the General Meeting of the Organization.
The Organization shall notify the authorized body for state registration of the closure of a
separate subdivision in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of
9.9. Property and funds that were assigned to a separate subdivision, after the
termination of its activities, are transferred directly to the jurisdiction of the Chairman
until the decision on the distribution of property and funds is made by the General Meeting of
the Organization.
10.1. The Organization is a non-entrepreneurial society. To implement its
program and statutory goals and objectives, the Organization may own funds, securities, property
and non-property rights, tangible and intangible assets, equipment, transport, other means and
property, the acquisition of which is not prohibited by the current legislation of
10.2. The Organization independently and independently exercises the right to own,
use and dispose of its property, funds, property and non-property rights through its statutory
bodies within their competence.
10.3. The property of the Organization consists of funds or
property received free of charge or in the form of irrevocable financial assistance or voluntary
donations, contributions of members of the Organization; passive income; grants or subsidies
from the state or local budgets, as well as from state trust funds, financial support of
programs (projects, activities) ofthe Organization at the expense of the state and local
budgets, from the implementation of the state order; charitable, humanitarian and technical
assistance, including in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine; acquired10.4. Income
(profits) or property of the Organization or a part thereof shall not be distributed among its
founders (participants in the meaning of the Civil Code of Ukraine), members of the
Organization, employees (except for remuneration of their labor, accrual of a single social
contribution), members of the governing bodies and other related persons.
10.5. The income
(profits) and property of the Organization are used exclusively to finance the costs of
maintaining the Organization, the implementation of the goal (goals, objectives) and activities
defined by this Statute.
10.6. The Organization shall be liable for its obligations with all
property owned by it. The Organization is not liable for the obligations of its members. Members
are not liable for the obligations of the Organization, unless otherwise provided by
10.7. The Organization is obliged to maintain accounting, statistical, tax, financial
reporting, to be registered with the fiscal authorities and to pay taxes and fees to the budget
in the manner and in the amounts provided by law. The Organization is obliged to keep for at
least five years all the necessary accounting documents regarding internal and international
10.8. State supervision and control over compliance with the law by the
Organization is carried out by executive authorities, local self-government bodies in the manner
prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine.
11.1. The procedure for amending the Statute is determined by the Statute and
the current legislation of Ukraine.
11.2. Amendments to this Statute shall be approved by the
decision of the General Meeting, if at least 3/4 of the members of the Organization voted for
it. The authorized body on registration shall be informed about the changes made to the
statutory documents.
12.1. The termination of the Organization's activities is carried out by the
decision of the public association adopted by the General Meeting, by self-dissolution or
reorganization, or by a court decision to ban (compulsory dissolution) of the public
12.2. Termination of activity of a public association with the status of a legal
entity results in termination of a legal entity.
12.3 The organization has the right to
decide at any time to terminate its activities (self-dissolution).
12.4.The decision on
self-dissolution of the Organization is made by the General Meeting, if at least three fourths
of the present participants of the General Meeting voted for it. The General Meeting creates a
liquidation commission or entrusts the Chairman to exercise the powers of the liquidator to
terminate the public organization as a legal entity, as well as make decisions on the use of
funds and property of the public association after its termination in accordance with the
12.5. The reorganization of the Organization is carried out by the decision of the
General Meeting, if at least three fourths of the participants of the General Meeting voted for
it by merger, division, accession or transformation.
12.6 The procedure and legal
consequences of termination of the Organization's activities by self-dissolution, reorganization
or prohibition (compulsory dissolution) of the Organization shall be determined in accordance
with this Statute and the current legislation of Ukraine.
12.7. In the event of termination
of the Organization as a result of its liquidation (self-dissolution, compulsory dissolution) or
reorganization (merger, division, accession or transformation), its assets shall be transferred
to one or more non-profit organizations of the corresponding type or credited to the budget